SB 71, the Patients Debt Collection Protection Act, is being introduced now in Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee. Tune in now! #nmleg #nmpol
"Data shows that a very large share of hospital patients qualify for assistance but did not get it and then end up stuck with the unaffordable bills and getting sent to collections." Sovereign Hager, legal director of @NMPovertyLaw puts SB 71 into context. #nmleg #nmpol
"What tells us is that there is a gap of resources that could be used to ensure patients get the assistance they need & qualify for in order to be able to pay their medical bills but instead, resources are used to take people to court." -Sovereign Hager @NMPovertyLaw #nmleg
Getting sent to collections or taken to court over not being able to afford to pay your bills causes a chain of consequences that end up hurting our entire state. Every New Mexican should be able to access the care they need without being afraid of crippling medical debt. #nmleg
For more information about SB 71 the Patients' Debt Collection Protections Act, check out this factsheet: #nmleg #nmpol
Committee chair says there is overwhelming support for SB 71 by show of how many people signed up to give public comment & limits number of comments so they have time to act on the bill. Community talks about skipping needed medical treatments bc they couldn't afford the bills.
Dr. Jamie Majdi "Debt affects our communities severely. There are already some clinics in practice that screen for insurance & give people access to it so patients can get the care they need & providers get paid for their services. SB 71 would greatly expand that & help." #nmleg
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