A few days ago @MaxCRoser posted the following tweet, dismissing the aggregate material footprint (MF) as being a "horrible" indicator, which shouldn't be used to report env. impacts. Here is a thread on why I think he is wrong & the MF important. 1/9 https://twitter.com/MaxCRoser/status/1356697165960261634
Clearly, solely using MF as indicator for complex env. impacts has serious limitations, along these lines. But instead of a differentiated treatment, Roser fully discards MF. This is dangerous, given its demonstrated usefulness in indicating aggregate environmental pressures. 3/9
When we look at the data, we can see that MF is in fact a good proxy for aggregate env. pressures, simply bc all material extraction has *some* impact: MF is highly correlated with other env. indicators such as CO2 emissions & ecological footprint ( https://nature.com/articles/s41893-019-0225-2) 4/9
Steinmann et al. ( https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.7b00698) too state: "resource footprints accounted for >90% of the variation in the damage footprints. [...] Our results indicate that relatively simple resource footprints are highly representative of damage to human health and biodiversity."6/9
Finally, Voet et al. ( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1162/1088198043630432) find "if we compare environmental impact with [Domestic Material Consumption], we can conclude that the contribution to the environmental pressure & the contribution to the DMC is not so different for these [resource] categories".7/9
Thus, MF captures important connections between extractive activity & env. pressures quite well on an aggregate level, in a fairly simple way. So, instead of fully rejecting MF, it should simply be complemented by other indicators & differences between materials considered. 8/9
Further resources on this debate can be found here: https://twitter.com/AsjadNaqvi/status/1356717920068505607
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