The saddest part of the postmortem is realizing just how tight the media is willing to close their eyes in the interest of selling a story, and why they would. They have spent months inflating the talent of a known harasser. Why? 1/7
There's no one answer to that because writers are not a monolith. But the justification ultimately results in the same message. The experiences of women do not matter as much as stoking the public interest in a man. 2/7
It must be said that it was reporters who broke the stories about Porter and Callaway. As I said, they aren't the Borg. And for sure, in an off-season like no other, when it's hard to sell the story of baseball to a locked-up, generally disinterested populace...3/7 have to come up with a story to sell. The problem is far too many of them decided to punt on decency and sell the story that Bauer was worth all the fuss--even though no level of talent should supersede concerns about his clearly inappropriate behavior. 4/7
I am a recovering Mets fan. But Bauer going to LA doesn't bring me as much relief as I'd have hoped. Because women are still being told they aren't as important, this time by the World Champions. 5/7
I could go on but it's better if you followed some of these people. I do, and I'm better for it.

@apodoftheirown @AndreaWillWrite @DrK1943 @SabrWomen @jeanfruth @girlatthegame @ltillustrations @PetitePhD @nymfan97 @perrybarber @maggie162 @joanryan @EmSheDoesIt @Anikadrawls 6/7
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