1/ At first glance the departure of Jason Myers, CEO of ArcherDx that was acquired by $NVTA, seems like a big negative. It was a large acquisition for $NVTA & Jason was leading $NVTA's oncology business. Jason will be joining GenapSys as the CEO. He will remain on $NVTA's board.
2/ What does GenapSys do? They are developing Sequencers that utilizes "the first ever purely electrical sequencing chip, the key component in our fully integrated proprietary platform". They are focused on cost reduction and building scalable systems.
3/ Gene/Genome sequencing is the starting point for $NVTA diagnostics & monitoring solutions. A key application for GenapSys is "targeted sequencing" which is critical for Oncology. $NVTA is focused on reducing diagnostic costs, but is defendant on the sequencing partner.
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