A thread on what I think will happen once most of the UK is vaccinated
There will be an immediate and significant short term economic boom
The government will benefit from a 'bounce' in the polls
Life will return to 'normal' much quicker than a lot of people appear to think
I don't believe there will be much evidence of a traumatised society and as much as I want a lot of things in society to change I doubt they will
Of course those who have lost loved ones will grieve and remember them but generally people will move on fairly quickly
If we get through winter 2021 without a significant UK wide return of the virus, by summer 2022 life will be much the same as summer 2019
It isn't that people want to forget, or that they will wipe everything from their minds, it is just that life will take over
And while part of me think that is depressing a bigger part of me probably thinks it is just how life is
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