I saw my OT today and we talked about a LOT of modifications and assistive devices to help with activities that cause me hand pain. She had a lot of great ideas, so I thought I'd share them for others who have hand pain. I haven't tried them yet, but I'm excited to!
Issue: Stirring
1. Use a hand mixer for everything possible.
2. Place bowl onto dycem anti-slip surface to help with stabilizing what I'm stirring. It comes in rolls and you can stick it to surfaces for a better grip. https://dycem-ns.com 
Issue: Squeezing shampoo bottles, honey bottle, etc.
1. Put shower soaps in different containers that are easier to squeeze, like travel bottles.
2. Buy pump bottles to take squeezing out of the picture.
3. Put honey in a mason jar.
Issue: Putting on compression socks
1. Wear gardening gloves when putting them on. The grip will help slide them on more easily.
(Honestly, I don't know about this one, but I'm definitely willing to try it!)
A website that has a lot of different accessibility products that would be worth exploring. It says for blind/low vision, but many of the products are helpful for a variety of modifications. https://www.maxiaids.com/?idstore=1&category=Blind/Low_Vision
I hope these are helpful to someone! I would love to hear any modifications that you swear by. I will update this thread with my experience as I try these things. I'm not going to be able to afford to get all this stuff at once, so it might take me awhile.
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