Hi All.

FINALLY, we have ABSOLUTE PROOF that President Trump won the election....

Not counting all of the old-fashioned election cheating, (e.g., Dead people, non-resident, under-age, illegal-aliens, & fake-ballot votes that were counted), Trump won 80-million to
68-million for Biden EXCEPT for the FACT that CHINA (and other foreign nations) conducted a CYBER ATTACK that switched the final count in thousands of Princincts, hundreds of Counties, in about 27 States.

Watch ABSOLUTE PROOF at http://MichaelJLindell.com  - it's 2-
-hours long - at the end of which you'll weep with HOPE.

All of the movie is proof, but the last 15-minutes shows thousands of pages of RECORDED & DOCUMENTED proof of each individual hack of government voting machines and computers, the date, time, & country of origin - (most
mostly from China) - and EXACTLY HOW MANY Trump votes were stolen or switched, (when tallied makes it's 80 to 68-million).

This really did happen, and Lindell's movie PROVES it!!!!

WHAT we do now, I don't know. But there is NO MORE DOUBT about "how!"

It's our generation's
Pearl Harbor. We were - and are - under attack by Communists in foreign countries.

START by investing 2-hours to watch Mike's movie.

THEN retweet this to everyone you know.

NOTHING you will do for your children & grandchildren will EVER be more important!!!!

that our nation will be able to extricate ourselves out of this FRAUD without violence.

Pastor Bill
[email protected]
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