The future of application development cannot be shackled to the Kubernetes API. Developers deserve better.
Lots of folks who have gotten deep into the Kubernetes ecosystem are starting to see Kubernetes as the solution to every problem (e.g. AppDev), rather than as an important layer in the stack.
If you are forcing developers to build containers and/or forcing them to write arcane manifests to deploy workloads (not just k8s!) then you are building solutions for a niche that is not representative of the broader developer community.
The world needs more developers. We need their ideas. We need their innovation. To get it, we need to lower the barrier to entry on writing applications by delivering simpler dev-oriented abstractions that come with an "escape hatch" to lower-level APIs like Kubernetes.
We need to replicate the success of the rich Kubernetes ecosystem in the AppDev space -- but without dragging along the technology base and conceptual model of Kubernetes itself.

Let's have a fresh start. Let's think developer first.
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