Liberty Times & Politics Exclusive 
‘The Argon Connection’
by David Argon
““I’ve been trying to get my story out since 2017.
We’ll begin in Boston 2015 and work our way back:
I’ve always worked in the private sector so nothing I convey is classified...

‘The Argon Connection’
by David Argon
““I’ve been trying to get my story out since 2017.
We’ll begin in Boston 2015 and work our way back:
I’ve always worked in the private sector so nothing I convey is classified...
“Let’s start with Boston June 16, 2015. I was in solitary confinement in MBTA jail. Arrested while there on business for Mox Networks. Arrested for the equivalent of a traffic ticket. No prior arrests, charges eventually dropped. Yet, put in solitary confinement...
“In handcuffs and leg irons the whole time despite having no prior record. Around 2 or 3AM I was taken for a bouncy ride in the back of a pitch black paddy wagon. Leg shackles and handcuffs but not tethered down for the bouncy ride...
“I really didn’t think much about the untethered bouncy ride until I heard of Kobe’s death. Yes. Solitary confinement IS torture. I tear up whenever I hear of Assange or anyone else in solitary. I still have anxiety attacks if startled by an unexpected sound...
“My mind and body just shut down. Bury my head in my hands and try to breathe. Basically, PTSD...
“Officers “guarding” me were CH and ML...
“Let’s now roll back to January 7, 2014. 11 Times Square, NYC office of Teza Technologies/Trading. My first real meeting as a then contract employee of Mox which was just starting up. One topic discussed was hiding money offshore in Virgin Islands to avoid taxes, etc...
“I asked if anyone wanted coffee or anything and left the room to avoid hearing more of illegal activity. I was a coward and didn’t want to hear anything illegal that might land me I jail... the irony. At the meeting were Jamie Brown (Teza), Justin Melnikoff (VP Mox out of DC)..
“Lorin Dorco (President, Mox and yes that’s his real name), and me (HBK Engineering contract employee for Mox)...I worked in private sector at RCN Metro Optical Networks which later became Sidera Networks, then Lightower Networks, then acquired by Crown Castle...
“It’s a telecom nest of dolls that few people know of.
Mox is a small telecom company funded by Dr. Patrick Soon-shiong. That’s where I worked...
Mox is a small telecom company funded by Dr. Patrick Soon-shiong. That’s where I worked...
“HBK Engineering is an engineering company I worked for but was outsourced to Mox as a contract employee before being hired by MOX...
“Teza was/is a stock trading company. Does algorithmic trading. Founded by a Russian guy who used to work at Citadel. Citadel is making the news past two days. Citadel is bad news...
“Sidera, RCN Metro, etc. are all telecom providers with their own fiber-optic lines. They’ve all been acquired by Crown Castle. All of them focused on providing telecom services to commercial customers and not residential customers like a Comcast does...
“Teza Technologies/Trading is where the story really begins. On Jan 7th, 2014 when I attended meeting in their office at 11 Times Square, NYC...
“Background: Fiber-optic cable strands (wires) carry the data of the web (Internet) and are literally made out of glass. Corning is known for making glass. Corning is the major (and best) maker of fiber-optic glass strands. “Glass” is easily broken. And the “web” is broken...
“Has been broken for years. I actually wrote a letter to the Trump White House highlighting 10 points on how the telecom industry is not secure, is corrupt and is not looking out for the best interests of America. Also included 10 solutions to fix the 10 problems...
“What I really want is to expose what I believe was/is a network that was put together for: 1) Mass surveillance for political use in the build up to the 2016 election and beyond, 2) Laundering money for a political party 3) Sending genomic data and other data about US citizens..
“to China, 4) Market manipulation of commodities via direct link into CME trading engines in Aurora, Illinois, 5) Sending US research secrets to China...
“I was contacted by Elizabeth Everett May 8, 2015. She apologized for the delay in responding to my letter sent to McCain’s website and asked me to contact Ellen Cahill, McCain’s scheduler which I did with no results. Two weeks after my last email to Ms. Cahill...
“the Boston incident occurred.
Why was I targeted?
Background: They were monitoring my email and phone and I was conveying to my wife what I thought Mox was really doing. At that point I was suspicious that MOX Networks’ goal wasn’t to cure cancer with 8.8 Terabit/second data..
Why was I targeted?
Background: They were monitoring my email and phone and I was conveying to my wife what I thought Mox was really doing. At that point I was suspicious that MOX Networks’ goal wasn’t to cure cancer with 8.8 Terabit/second data..
“transfer of genomic data for cancer research. I started to suspect that was a cover for transmitting large amounts of data for mass domestic surveillance, low-latency high-frequency trading into Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)...
“And a dark-fiber, VPN comm network with encryption overlay that would go undetected. One of those things was establishing a direct dark fiber connection to/from Facebook data center in Forest City, North Carolina to the Federal Building at 151 Patton Ave., Asheville, NC...
“I was personally on site at both locations when the fibers were tested to confirm continuity. Still have the fiber results and notes. Amazon’s equipment is next to Facebook’s equipment in Federal Buildings. I believe Google is in same facility but can’t prove that but...
“I have KMZ files that indicate Google probably has direct fiber connection into the facility. I believe I may have had a hand in putting together the parallel platform HAMMER. I just didn’t know it at the time. Ironically, the person I reported to was Tanya Hammerler...
“A few coworkers started to refer to her as “The Hammer”. It just so happens “The Hammer” was in Germany when my email was hacked by Kabel B.W. probably on behalf of BND.
KMZ is a Google Earth file. File_name.kmz. Kabel B.W. is a German cable company which is an offshoot of...
KMZ is a Google Earth file. File_name.kmz. Kabel B.W. is a German cable company which is an offshoot of...
“Deutsche Telekom (German AT&T). Deutsche Telekom like AT&T is used by BND (German FBI/CIA) for surveillance. I did a TRACERT test on the IP address that hacked my email and it came back that it was Kabel B.W...
“MTBA is Metropolitan Boston Transportation Authority. They have their own police and I was arrested by them and put in their jail.
I’m confident that I had been drugged in Boston and it was LSD. In college I had taken LSD a few times and I know the effects...
I’m confident that I had been drugged in Boston and it was LSD. In college I had taken LSD a few times and I know the effects...
“I hadn’t taken LSD in 20 years at that point so it wasn’t a “flashback”. Colors started getting vivid about an hour after having lunch and parting ways with three people I met with in Boston that day: (Bob Cimon, owner of telecom contractor Veracity, out of Boston area...
“and two guys out of Philly from Windstream. I have their names somewhere.
When I told a friend of mine, a Navy Intel guy, about what happened he said LSD can be administered from a puff of smoke in your face from someone walking by...
When I told a friend of mine, a Navy Intel guy, about what happened he said LSD can be administered from a puff of smoke in your face from someone walking by...
“I stand by what I know I experienced in Boston. It also explains my uncharacteristic behavior that day at age 43 which resulted in my first and only arrest...
“Minimum it was done to discredit me. At that point I had come to realize that “curing cancer” was not the real purpose of the network that I was hired to design/engineer/build for Dr. Soon-shiong. They knew I knew...
“It was just about 9 months ago when I realized that, perhaps, they wanted to do more than discredit me. Why take me on a 2AM ride in a pitch black paddy wagon with just me in the back? Handcuffed with hands in back and in leg irons? Why wasn’t I tethered down to the seat?...
“Why were we suddenly “off-reading” in a bumpy grass field on the outskirts of Boston? Why was I still wearing my regular clothes and not a jail outfit?
That’s when it dawned on me that if I hadn’t been blessed with the physical coordination of Buster Keaton, I probably would...
That’s when it dawned on me that if I hadn’t been blessed with the physical coordination of Buster Keaton, I probably would...
“have been knocked unconscious or worse. If just unconscious, a shot of fentanyl could have been used to finish me. In the middle of a field/marsh by the harbor with no ID? Just a dead junkie found at some point. It really scared me when I realized that my “final destination”...
“was probably planned to be in that field. They just didn’t know that like Buster Keaton I’m able to swing my hands under my feet to my front so I could balance better and protect my head. I actually turned it into a game to see if I could make the ride without touching a wall...
“or falling to the floor. I won. CH & ML lost. This is 100% true.
Although they were successful in effectively destroying my 20 year career & reputation in telecom industry since my name appeared in the paper and some people in my company made sure to spread it around Facebook..
Although they were successful in effectively destroying my 20 year career & reputation in telecom industry since my name appeared in the paper and some people in my company made sure to spread it around Facebook..
“A few months prior to Boston a colleague in the industry said I was the best in the country at what I do. He then corrected himself and said “best in the world”...
“I also had a reputation in the industry for being one of “the good guys” in a dirty industry with so many bad guys. All shot to hell...
My Miranda rights were also violated. My attorney said we could fight the charges but recommended not going up against the police in Boston..
My Miranda rights were also violated. My attorney said we could fight the charges but recommended not going up against the police in Boston..
“I agreed. I got longer probation than Clinesmith...for a misdemeanor...
I didn’t get a response from McCain’s office. I just didn’t know at the time that Brennan and the Awan brothers had full access to Senate emails which might explain why I wasn’t able to schedule a day...
I didn’t get a response from McCain’s office. I just didn’t know at the time that Brennan and the Awan brothers had full access to Senate emails which might explain why I wasn’t able to schedule a day...
“to meet with McCain/Armed Services. Perhaps message wasn’t getting through when trying to firm up day/time for meeting...
I refuse to live in fear in the Land my ancestors travelled to pre-Revolution. They came here to escape the petty wars of European aristocracy...
I refuse to live in fear in the Land my ancestors travelled to pre-Revolution. They came here to escape the petty wars of European aristocracy...
“among other things. They faced greater danger as did my uncle for 4 years fighting fascism in Europe, my dad silently fighting communism in the Cold War, another uncle who was a conscientious objector during Vietnam because he didn’t want to kill. Yet he went to Vietnam...
“and served his country as an unarmed medic under enemy fire to save lives. My sister who enlisted in Army at age 35 , was in Desert Storm and recently retired from DoD after 30 yrs and harassment by the Obama “kids” in her last few years in service. These are my heroes...
“BTW, my sister was a target too. She has been on calls with Clapper. We don’t know if I was collateral damage from what she knew or vice versa.
Unbeknownst to me at the time Brennan was hacking senate email. And Booz Allen Hamilton had full access to EVERYTHING (NSA database)
Unbeknownst to me at the time Brennan was hacking senate email. And Booz Allen Hamilton had full access to EVERYTHING (NSA database)
“via request from FBI to NSA. Meanwhile also had Susan Rice, etc. unmasking everyone and State Department, etc. all covering up anything related to energy and Uranium One. I picked the wrong time to bring up energy security.”
(c) David Argon
Exclusive by Liberty Times & Politics
(c) David Argon
Exclusive by Liberty Times & Politics