1. Since coining the term 'Lockdown Denier,' @DPJHodges has been (over)using it to attack anyone who even dares question whether the benefit is worth the cost, most notably @ClarkeMicah & @JuliaHB1

As you can see, he's a staunch supporter of the lockdown ⬇️
5. Why is this argument 'daft,' @DPJHodges? Lockdown is effective in stopping the spread of the virus, so surely starting it earlier would have stopped the spread earlier? They are effective, aren't they? https://mobile.twitter.com/DPJHodges/status/1293496134841884673
7. Why, indeed! It's almost as if they don't work, isn't it? https://mobile.twitter.com/DPJHodges/status/1307636166838099969
8. Hahahahahahahahaha 🤡 https://mobile.twitter.com/DPJHodges/status/1307637214206099456
10. Aaaaand, there it is - full blown Lockdown Denial. https://mobile.twitter.com/DPJHodges/status/1315667713772212228
12. I could leave it there, but as I'm a twat & @DPJHodges insists that no-one has ever been as wrong as the 'Lockdown Deniers,' here are a few examples to refute that: https://mobile.twitter.com/DPJHodges/status/623907497716416512
14. I don't know if this is about the election or the Clinton Body Count. Either way, it's wrong... https://mobile.twitter.com/DPJHodges/status/795675118303330304
15. My personal favourite - when a Jewish Labour supporter informs him of they'd still vote Labour in spite of Corbyn, @DPJHodges accuses them of being 'Corbyn's useful Jewish idiot' 😂 https://mobile.twitter.com/DPJHodges/status/634960993764909056
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