Every article about how much motherhood sucks is an article about how men suck.

It's like talking about "violence against women" instead of "male violence against women."

Men are ghosts in all these stories and we wonder why things haven't changed in centuries.
99% of these articles boil down to "I married a man who is useless" either because he left or he's here but does nothing to help out.

These are not stories spotlighting women married to women and that's not an oversight.
I "joke" that my biggest character flaw is that I'm a true bi who still finds men attractive but is it really a joke, though? Who is to say!
My grandmother was beaten... by her husband.
My grandmother was a single parent with 5 children... because her husband left her.

She could write a whole dissertation on the cruelty of motherhood or she could save her energy and just say "Society lets men be useless."
"Single moms" wear the stain of shame and yet, they are the ones who stayed.

That tells you everything you need to know about the discourse on motherhood.
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