By focusing on immuteable characteristics (like race or sex) and making someones identity about those things wokeness, critical theory, and critical race theory ends up justifying, defending, and spreading racism and bigotry.

By dividing people into groups based on...
things that are totally outside of someone's control (IE: nobody can select their skin color)
Wokeness/CRT makes things totally outside someone's control the central focus of their identity, even if a person doesn't want their skin color to be the foundation of their identity
For example, I'm Jewish, white, male, and straight. I don't want people to judge my character based on any of those things. I want those things to take a backseat to who I am as an individual.

I want to be judged by what I say and do, not by things I have no control over.
Lots of people have stereotypes about what Jewish, white, straight men think (same is true for black men, or gay women etc) I don't want people to stereotype me based on that. I don't stereotype others based on that.

People will surprise you if you don't prejudge them!!!
But wokeness and CRT assert that people with the same characteristics must have the same shared "lived experience" and so must see the world a certain way. This leads to stereotyping and sows the seeds of bigotry, tribalism, and racism.
You might say "but there is no excuse for bigotry." I agree, but this misses the point.
It's wrong to hit someone who call you names. If you lose your temper and hit someone who calls you names, you can't blame the person you hit.

That doesn't make name calling right.
No one can say "he was asking for it, he called me names," but the person who name calls is still doing something wrong

The guy who calls names is not responsible for getting punched.
He is responsible for others hurt feelings *even though that doesn't justify violence*
Similarly, a bigot can't blame propoganda for their bigotry. They can't say it's the propoganda's fault they became a bigot.

Just because m a bigot can't blame propoganda for their bigotry, does not mean we let propogandists off the hook for spreading bigoted propoganda...
We can hold people who spread bigoted propoganda responsible for spreading bigotry *and still hold bigots responsible for believing it*

How do we do that? Easy:

1. We hold the propogandist responsible for spreading bigotry

2. We hold the bigot responsible for believing it
And yes, we absolutely can hold people responsible for things they ought to have known, hence the saying "they should have known better."

This is how I see the relationship between bigotry and Critical Race Theory/Critical Social Justice/wokeness.
How does this work? Easy:

1: I hold CRT/Critical Theory/CSJ responsible for using bad reasoning and faulty methods to spread stereotypes, racial scapegoating and tribalism.

2: I hold the people who buy into that stuff responsible for believing it. They ought to know better.
The antidote to both wokeness and bigotry is Truth with a capital "T."

That means we are responsible both to spread truth, and contend for the rigorous methods that create truth.

So that's what I'll do, and I hope you'll join me.

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