idk about you but I got into tech solely to invent things. for the past 5 years it has felt like there was nothing left to invent, and all of the interesting possibilities had been taken from us.

now we have a blank canvas; I am celebrating the lack of answers!
if it feels rough around the edges right now that seems like an opportunity

2010s silicon valley took platform experimentation away from us and gave us newsfeeds, likes, stories, reels, and a grab bag of mental health problems

i am down for unsolved problems, again
in writing there's this idea of Architects & Gardeners. Architects systematically plan their entire book before writing, Gardeners just write and let it reveal itself

I've always approached technology as a Gardener; a sculptor. chipping away at the marble, seeing it will become
this is also why I have historically had such a terrible time trying to work for Actual Companies: they want you to "plan" projects and set "metrics"

i just want to jam on things until something interesting happens. I've never had an interesting outcome through a plan
which is to say, again, the best way for us to figure out the implications of NFTs for creator economies is to try out a bunch of stuff
p.s. just because i feel the need to say it over and over:

if you started hating working in tech when it became more about growth than inventing interesting things, that growth is only prioritized because the last wave of companies had shitty business models across the board
technology jobs are going to get a lot more interesting again when we don't have platforms predicated on getting to a billion users as fast as possible & at any cost
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