You. have. got. to. be. fucking. kidding. me. I read that this time they have mandatory rapid testing at the show. Huh. That’s what I was told was making the shows so safe last time. And masks and distancing yet every photo of the crowd showed maskless people next to each other.
Secondly can we all stop being so fucking literal about what Covid safety means? It’s not just about masks (need to double them now due to variants), being outdoors, rapid testing (doesn’t always detect people in early asymptomatic stages), or distance (6 feet has been
arbitrary since Feb 2020. It’s an airborne spread and aerosols can linger in the air for 14 hours no matter the distance). But it’s a moral issue. Using your wealth and influence to distract from the people in a city dying, a stressed healthcare system, people being too poor to
have no choice BUT to go to work for the rich people who are still doing shit. You’re also asking people to drive all over the state in your name to see them during a pandemic. They get in a car wreck on the way and tax an already full hospital? That’s cuz you gave them
somewhere to have to go. When I tour I realize people could get hurt driving to see me as well as I could to - duh life is risk - but DURING A PANDEMIC I can’t believe a rich person is fine with their fans coming to their unnecessary shows. Also having mild Covid for two weeks
and then getting on stage sends a bad message. “It’s not a big deal.” If your Covid wasn’t a big deal - you’re lucky. Period. But not everyone reacts the same way. Also you can get reinfected. Also long-haul symptoms. I’m not wealthy AT ALL but I have enough of a fan base that
when a percentage of them joined my Patreon in 2020 - it offset what I lost on tour. If you’re this famous you CAN DO WHATEVER you want and your fans will buy it. So WHY provide something for them that could hurt them? I don’t give a fuck anyone’s thoughts on this. This virus
has an enormous moral side that no one talks about. I loved Dave for so long. His movie about the block party he threw in Brooklyn, his old standup, he meant the world to me and inspired me. This is not some bitter comic thing. This is an anger at the bro world that’s invaded
comedy. And I’ve never been more proud to not call myself a comedian lately. Anyway - this is irresponsible and I’m tired of this shit. I would like my life to get back to some semblance of normal but I refuse to do it on the backs of others.
RIP my mentions I assume and you can screen shot this thread if you wanna show your grandchildren but I imagine I’ll have to delete it because I anticipate the usual rape and death threats I get when I come for men in comedy.
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