Jay's definition of "rigged" is extremely flawed.

The MANIPULATION tactics applied to the general public is *definitely* a form of rigging.

Jay, let me clue you in: people's REACTIONS to the article? It's because they have this thing called MEMORY. About how 2020 played out. https://twitter.com/JayCaruso/status/1357712533692571655
If the partisan yada yada was switched? The establishment would call it right-wing domestic terrorism, @JayCaruso
One more tweet and then I'll shush, @JayCaruso . You're missing the point of why the TIME article is shocking people:

It's not just about the election.

The underlying theme of the piece is: "NOTHING is authentic. Everything you saw last year was purposefully manufactured."
Recently Greta Thunberg had a bit of controversy after tweeting out a PLANNING DOCUMENT in relation to the India farmers protests.

She deleted it likely b/c it exposed the artificial nature of social media activism.

.... NOW apply that to what we all read in the TIME article.
Case in point: it's all a matter of framing. Two can play at that game.

Imagine if this TIME article, in its entirety, was published the day after Election Day 2020.

Ask yourself what the results of THAT would be?
The most harrowing thing about the TIME article is that the publication of it feels like a mind game with some kind of manipulative ulterior motive behind it.

^--- and that's because what the article in OF ITSELF actually says and reveals.
I can't even begin to comprehend the lasting harm involved, here.
People now have a reason to believe that they're nothing more than someone else's action figures, being fed lines and things to do.
What level of personal autonomy do any of us have anymore?

The only means of reasserting control of life, at least currently to me, seems to be directly saying: I'm a free thinker and my thoughts are independent and genuine.
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