What's the issue with CAA - can't tell exactly.

What's the problem with farm laws ? - can't really pin point.

This is called Jinnah's template. It got him Pakistan.
Jinnah never spelt out where exactly on the map was Pakistan. Even the Pakistan resolution mentioned "Muslim majority regions should be made into sovereign Nations" . All ambiguous glib talk to keep both supporters and opposition guessing.
Just spent time raising the bogey of Hindu rule and fear mongering among Muslims. How exactly does he see gaze at a crystal ball and see the future ? Can't tell. But for sure once the British go there would be a anti Muslim Hindu rule.
So three step process

1. Don't spell out exactly what's the problem, just keep saying there is a problem.

2. Garner support by immense rumour mongering.

3. Indulge in widespread violence to force your point.
There were some who were led to believe that every Muslim area in British India would be Pakistan. Jinnah never clarified this doubt.

In all probability Pakistan project would have failed if Jinnah had announced with a map in hand - " this here corner is ours"
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