Oh good, @RishiSunak's bounce-back loans scheme on the news. It is so riddled with holes that up to £30bn of the £40bn he handed out was to criminals making fraudulent claims. What a fool he is.
No wonder there's no money for hungry children.
He could have paid for all the dangerous cladding to be replaced twice over, but set up a system without any apparent checks at all and gave £30bn away to fraudsters. They guy's a national liability, though only following No. 10's orders I guess.
Every one of those fraudsters will be voting Tory I guess, waiting for his next colossal criminal giveaway, so it's all good for him.
All that boring westminster stuff about the 'misfits and weirdos' which was basically stripping out all the structures that used to make sure this kind of monumental omnishambles couldn't take place through pretty basic scrutiny, also in the mix.
Maybe normalising incompetence, malfeasance and grinding fascism isn't cost-free, after all.

Time to embark on some 40% abv self-care and hope nothing goes wrong so I have to do care stuff.
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