In December I was listed as a potential witness in a lawsuit filed against Balter. This week I sent a Declaration to plaintiff and Balter’s attorneys asking Balter to stop intimidating, threatening and harassing me.
tl;dr page 1: I was asked to testify about my personal experiences with Mr. Balter and to provide an expert opinion, which I have done before.
tl;dr page 2: I was not asked, nor would I have offered testimony in support of the plaintiff’s conduct.
tl;dr page 3: I never asked to be involved in this lawsuit. I did (and still do) not want to be involved, though at this point I may end up having to testify in order to preserve the truth.
tl;dr page 4: Balter has been tweeting and blogging relentlessly claiming I am “cooperating” or “conspiring” with Dr. Kurin. I am not.
tl;dr page 5: He has encouraged others to publicly bully me by “questioning” me about my involvement in this case.
tl;dr page 6: He is also sending “updates” to the NASW listserv about a complaint filed with NASW & has referred to me as one of the complainants; I am not. My experiences with Balter are one of several examples in a complaint submitted by others.
Aside: The NASW complaint has nothing to do with Dr. Kurin’s lawsuit. It was not submitted to help the plaintiff. The complaint was about NASW members expressing their concerns about Balter’s methods for gathering and disseminating information.
Case in point: My name appearing on the Plaintiff’s list of individuals “likely to have discoverable information” but Balter “reporting” this to the public as me “conspiring” and “cooperating” with plaintiff.
Or Balter “updating” thousands of my fellow NASW members (falsely) that I shared a copy of the NASW complaint with the plaintiff or publicly. His “evidence” for this is I was an “instigator” of the complaint.
tl;dr page 7: Now he has served a subpoena on me, and I have been forced to hire a lawyer at my own expense.
I have nothing to relevant to produce under the subpoena, bc I didn’t create the sock puppet accounts/ share the NASW report.

Serving the subpoena on me is, in my opinion, another bully tactic to scare me away from testifying about my experiences or providing expert opinion.
Balter tweets, posts, emails prove some of my prev criticisms abt his methods: centering himself, manipulating information to fit narrative. His endless harassment, intimidation, & spread of misinformation about me must stop now. I hope his attorneys/ the Court will agree. /end
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