Yes, having Mitt “free stuff” Romney put forward a child allowance is politically huge! His plan is serious, and he includes some really important innovations (more people get more money, delivered through Social Security, not the IRS).
But it’s built on the absolute wrong framework. He eliminates TANF and cuts the EITC and SNAP to pay for this benefit. I am the first to say that TANF is a disaster and we should raze it and rebuild something robust in its place. That’s not what Romney is doing.
This is the mindset that allows conservatives to back a UBI as a way to eliminate huge parts of the social safety net, rather than seeing it as additive. Cash, while it has many benefits, is not enough on its own to cover what people need.
We have to insist that giving people cash through a child allowance or a guaranteed income comes on top of, not in place of, existing public programs. To insist that the government owes us more, not less.
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