A few years ago, an acting studio (that shall remain nameless) advertised a workshop with a CD from a certain office as the most "important" casting office in NYC. I used to get insecure about my work because I didn't work at an "important" casting office. 1/???
First of all, thank God I shed that mentality. What a time suck. Comparing yourself is an atrocious habit and we really do need all of us, so just stop it now.

And this is the actual point I'm trying to make - what makes a casting office important?

We cast a student film a few years ago that I can probably guarantee said "important" CD/office would've passed on. No shade, they have like 100 TV shows, I do not.

(And! TV shows are important! Especially to me! Especially, like, the last 10 months!) 3/???
But this student film low budget thing (not trying to downplay it just trying to be super vague) is going to be released on a major platform you've heard of very soon. 4/???
Awesome script from a promising student filmmaker + casting office to further legitimize audition/hiring process and establish channel of trust between actors/reps and said project = amazing cast even on a shoestring budget. Gets well deserved attn AND elevates a new voice. 5/???
I think that is pretty freaking important work, too, y'all.


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