1. This is Bella Ding Ding.

Bella joined Twitter last month and has tweeted a few times.
2. Her fourth Tweet referred to her Mother dying of Covid.

More than 5,000 likes means it was seen at least 2,000,000 times, at the least.

(90% or more people who see a Tweet don't like or comment).
3. Her next, and only 5th, Tweet lays the groundwork for raising donations via Gofundme.

From some of the supporters who saw her viral Tweet about her mother.
4. Many really kind people have replied saying they will contribute towards Bella's costs and to help her.
5. They should be a bit careful though, becuase Bella's profile pic is from a site like http://ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com 

A service that generates computer generated GAN images of people's faces.

The faces are of people who don't exist.
6. Bella's picture has inconsistent compression across various parts of her face.

Once you see enough GAN AI generated faces, they start to follow a pattern.

Profile image on the left. Compression analysis on the right.

It should be relatively uniform and consistent, its not.
7. The blurred fudged earring is also suggest an AI generated picture.
8. Maybe Bella is a genuine person.

Who used an AI generated face to sign up to Twitter.

Then talk about asking for money, in her 5th tweet.

That is possible, but the other explanation is that someone is looking to use an artificial identity and story, to generate donations.
9. If Bella is genuine, then perhaps an explanation as to why she used an AI generated face as the profile pic to pitch for donations, would be a positive thing.

Her donors could then feel comfortable donating to her, knowing the explanation, once her Gofundme page goes live.
10. Anonymity can be cool. But why not just use a picture of a radical sunset, or some juicy pineapples, or a doggy?

Instead of an artificial face.

Especially when there's cash money and donations involved.

Very cool. Very interesting. Very cool. Welcome to the @TrollZoo
11. Several observant people sent this account to the @TrollZoo - but @cosita_uk and @a_s_arthur were some of first to write about it publicly - follow them 🤝
12. The GoFundMe never appeared.

'BellaBellaDing' has now been deleted.
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