There are many things we can do to address the environmental impact of NFTs.

The numbers in That Article were based around people making large editions

My first commitment is that I will never do multi-edition runs. Only 1-of-1.
As best as I am currently aware, the impact of my pieces is closer to “flight to LA”, not “European family of 18 taking a bath in Chernobyl for 500 years” like people are suggesting.

It’s not wonderful, but that’s an easier target to offset and to work on improving
This is also all going to be fixed really soon with ETH 2 and other blockchains

What we’re seeing is the teething pains of a new economic model, and we have work to do together if we would like that future to be available to everyone while leaving a planet for our grandchildren
it’s ~a 2 hour flight for an NFT, but I haven’t flown the ~12 hours to see my family & friends in 🇬🇧 for 5 years

People fly to art fairs & to play concerts

Flying isn’t great, but I’m uncomfortable with putting all of this on artists just because some scary stats were shown
For me, the real offset is “what does this enable?”

If a few patrons of my work can make it feasible for me to release my album freely for everyone, and one or two people having a hard time find catharsis & comfort in the music? I’m down.

I’d fly 2 hours to sing to them, anyway
Back to my first point: we can accept that this is an environmentally unfriendly system right now, and try our best to adjust our work to suit it. I’m not going to do multi-edition drops.

Everyone has different answers, let’s be nice to each other as we figure this out
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