it isnt lost on me how several Black owned nerd companies tend to shy away from creatives who happen to do sex work along with nerdy related content. and it angers me because sex workers are some of the most tech and business savvy people out here. the "respectable negro" angle
is HIGHLY toxic, and frankly unnecessary when you're literally a platform for nerd shit. furthermore; the intersection of sexuality and pop/nerd culture is WIDELY ABUNDANT so i am unsure why sex workers/people who shoot sexy content would not be considered.
furthermore; sex workers are just....regular people who happen to sell some form of sexual content. MANY i know still do Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, etc. they have numbers. they have engagement. but because of prevalent slut shaming in the Black community we are overlooked.
i have literally been passed up on opportunities i KNOW i would've been good for because i don't hide my sex work, and discuss it quite frankly. it is a part of me that i am not ashamed of. but i and many others are punished/not allowed access to spaces because of this.
things i have heard

"your platform doesn't appeal to our audience because of the lewdity"

"we have to protect our brand"

it's the unfair assumption that since we sell sex, our platform is palatable to...nerds? who literally are some of thr BIGGEST consumers of sex? please.
*isn't palatable
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