THREAD "Heartbreaking" is the only word I can find to describe today's awful 🇨🇦 #LFS jobs numbers: both the scale of job loss, and their painfully unfair distribution. 213K jobs lost in January, back to August levels of employment, unemployment, and participation. #cdnecon ...2
Just like the first wave, job loss is concentrated among those who can least afford it. Part-timers lost all the jobs; full-timers gained work. Women lost work twice as fast as men. Temporary jobs disappeared 7 times faster than permanent. Youth (under 25) lost work 4x faster...3
The racial concentration of economic hardship mirrors the racial inequity of COVID infection. Unemployment among racialized communities is twice or more as high as for whites. 20% for SE Asian, 16% for black & Latinx. ...4
Concentration of precarious work among racialized workers explains BOTH these terrible labour market outcomes AND their deadlier incidence of COVID. No sick days, less ability to work from home, harsher economic compulsion, crowded housing: a recipe for contagion AND job loss...5
Meanwhile there is a group of Canadians who haven't lost a dollar from this pandemic. Professional & managerial work that can be transferred home has grown. Some businesses, and those with stock market wealth, have actually profited. This plutocratic divide is untenable ...6
The brutal inequity of this 2nd wave of job loss mirrors what happened the 1st time around. We decomposed those impacts in our @CntrFutureWork #PowerShare report on how to fix work after COVID: The same polarizing forces are at work now ...7
This jobs carnage directly reflects the 2nd wave of COVID, and necessary health responses to it. Provinces which have controlled the contagion have preserved more work. We must do this. But supports for displaced workers and small business need to be continued & strengthened ...8
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