Some thoughts and explanations about @HavenXHV $XHV:

$XHV is the "ticket" to enter the @HavenXHV ecosystem in which you are/will be able to convert and store your wealth to/in any kind of $xAsset. ( $xUSD, $xGOLD, $xBTC etc. )
This conversion-process from $XHV to $xAsset happens completely on-chain through burning $XHV and minting an amount of the $xAsset of the same value as the burned $XHV at time of conversion.
Ofc this also works the other way around $xAsset -> $XHV, through the same principle
The fact that the conversion-process works like this means e.g.:
- No Slippage
- You don't need a buyer/seller of the $xAsset you want to "sell"/"buy"
- No trading-fees, only very low conversion-fees of the @HavenXHV Protocol
So, to enter or to exit the @HavenXHV ecosystem with all its xAssets one needs to "go through" $XHV. This means, that the liquidity of $XHV (on exchanges) and its accessibility is the key to make this awesome project work at scale.
The @HavenXHV team did and is doing great work on improving the $XHV liquidity through new CEX ( @BittrexExchange, @kucoincom) and DEX ( @PolarityEx, @thorchain_org(pending)) listings.
And they are also working on adding new xAssets. (Gold, Silver, Euro and Chinese Yuan)
On top of all that, @HavenXHV works with @monero-grade privacy.
And in addition, xAssets could probably be added directly to CEXs and DEXs in the future.
Theoretically, the whole economy (all tradable assets) could one day run inside the @HavenXHV ecosystem through thousands of different xAssets and $XHV as the "ticket" to enter or exit (if exit even needed at this point).
Currently there are xAssets with a combined value of USD 2.3M in the @HavenXHV ecosystem.
If @HavenXHV gets used more and more in the future, this number will increase dramatically.
This means a lot of $XHV will have to be burned to convert to xAssets.
This would lead to a big decline in the circulating supply of $XHV and therefore lead to $XHV becoming more and more scarce.
Regarding all these aspects and in a scenario as described, @HavenXHV could have the potential to become a multi-billion/trillion USD project.
The mcap. of $XHV is currently at USD 70M (72M w. xAssets) and the price of $XHV at USD 5.00...
DYOR, this is not financial advice.
( @HavenXHV and xChads: If I got something wrong or missed something, please feel free to correct me or add further information anytime🙌)
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