JFK issued executive order # 11110 which essentially disempowered the Federal Reserve System. This international crime syndicate is a private banking cartel with no reserves and is not federal, since its owners are more foreign than domestic.
Like President Andrew Jackson, he knew the FED had to go if there was to be freedom from permanent debt slavery for the USA. Needless to say, the NWO bankers would not tolerate such audacity, and JFK knew he would pay the greatest price.
JFK vowed to shut down the CIA shortly after the failed Bay of Pigs operation. The CIA is the granddaddy of all black and psyops around the world, including all major terrorist events before and since 911. With such an enormous and unaccountable black budget funding so many
illegal schemes, JFK understood the CIA was the proverbial loose canon. His firing of CIA Director, Allen Dulles, proved to be the last straw. So was his vow to  “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds”.
As the first Roman Catholic US president, he made it clear during his campaign that he would act with complete independence from Vatican influence and always govern as his conscience dictated. Terminating the Viet Nam War became JFK’s number one foreign policy agenda item,
which put him at serious odds with the entire World Shadow Government.

JFK adamantly opposed Israel’s plan to develop nuclear weapons. His uncompromising posture enraged Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, and brought upon him the wrath of the MOSSAD. A nuclear-armed
Israel was an essential goal of those who would control the oil and gas reserves throughout the Middle East. JFK was well aware of Israel’s intentions to terrorize the entire Middle East with threats of nuclear armageddon.
JFK was proceeding with plans to reveal highly classified information regarding the truth about UFO’s and the Alien Presence on Planet Earth. “He was the only member of Majestic 12 that wanted full disclosure to the American people.” That Extraterrestrial Biological Entities
existed fascinated JFK, and he felt the nation had a right to know.  Such revelations would never be allowed by those who control the mainstream media and dictate world governance.
Fast forward - JFK had very serious and powerful enemies in the form of Lyndon B. Johnson, George H. W. Bush, Richard N. Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, as well as the British Crown whose intentions were well known by his ambassador father, Joseph P. Kennedy.
The entire global power structure, particularly the US Military-Industrial Complex, and its many secret societies and covert organizations, were vastly arrayed against him. TheWorld Shadow Government was determined to make an [UNFORGETTABLE] example of him.
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