I’m going to release some NFTs this morning but also still thinking through how to offset some of the environmental costs associated with CryptoArt. This is some of my initial thinking:
1. Find ways to limit my carbon footprint as an individual.
2. Donate some NFT earnings to organization who are pushing for more legislative solutions in the U.S.
3. Donate some NFT earnings to organizations that are looking for global solutions.
To step back, I'm really interested in finding creative and financial independence as an artist. I’ve experimented with a number of different things and NFTs might be one option (or not).
NFT uses a lot of energy based on what I’ve read. It makes me think of my other projects. I’m not sure about the numbers but selling ceramics could be bad too (industrial production of clay and glaze, bisque and glaze firing, shipping of supplies and shipping to the customer).
I understand that this is not a reason to just ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ off the enviro costs. It also seems like some solutions are in the works for CryptoArt with Etherium 2 and other efforts to use carbon-neutral energy usage. Until then I will focus on the three areas I mentioned before:
1. Limit carbon footprint as an individual - Things I will work on: eat less or stop eating meat, limit travel (don’t do much already), updating some appliances around my home, purchase less clothing. I’m sure there is a lot more that I can do. Still researching.
I know this isn’t perfect and I can hear some of you saying “just don’t sell NFT” but again I’m trying to find options to be an independent artist while being able to support my family, pay medical bills, and stay mentally and physically healthy doing it.
I’m also really open to hearing what others are doing in general to offset carbon footprint in general! Sorry for the long tweet 🙃
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