Time to take out the trash y’all. I want to be in a space where I don’t feel uncomfortable for being me—like I’m unacceptable. I’ve spent too much energy just trying to be “good enough”. When in actuality, to some people, I just won’t be. You know what? Fuck that. I’m still here.
I’m still here besides knowing people criticize and belittle me. Jabbing at the way I act or talk. Trying to dull me. Making it difficult to feel included in this space. Yet I’m here. I’m doing it because it’s important and we need voices to speak out and represent.
To know people don’t have to be uncomfortable in our spaces. That there are others just like them and it’s safe. Until we can be safe, then I’ll never stop bringing another perspective. To help pave a way for marginalized groups to not only be accepted, but embraced.
Until that day comes I’m not going anywhere. They can laugh at me, make fun of me, threaten me, but in the end they won’t win. They won’t stop the progress we have worked tirelessly to build. It’s change that we need.
It starts with taking out the garbage and listening. Listening leads to understanding. Then understanding leads to action. Only once we act will there be lasting change. Holding people accountable and having a zero tolerance policy against hate.
You can follow @geekygaymerguy.
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