Thread. Genocide by stealth . That’s what I believe these NWO freaks are up to . Stealth you say ? Well , gas , bombs and guns are too obvious and messy . They’ve learned those lessons from the past . Also , they realise that if people got wind mass killings were going on ...
They may rise up etc etc . Thinking about it though, stealth was used in the past for genocide . The Jews were told they were being sent east for ‘work and resettlement ‘, the notorious sign above the entrance to auschwitz said ‘work will make you free’ . Also they were told
The gas chambers were showers . Keeping up the pretence until the final moments . If we come back to the present , it’s an easy and ignorant stance to take to say ‘well, it’s modern times now, things like that don’t happen ‘...try telling that to the families of those
That were massacred in srebrenica in the 1990s. They prob thought it was ‘modern life ‘ and didn’t expect to be lined up and shot into a ditch . So let’s scrap the ‘it’s too modern to happen ‘ argument . The trouble is , we are ruled by groups of people that think we are
Expendable . They call us ‘Human Resources ‘ after all . And the amount of people in foreign nations they have killed as part of their greedy plans is staggering . Life is cheap to them. If the truth got out about this plandemic then they would have riots on their hands
A wave of elderly care home deaths last March that they used to stoke figures and fears and help draw the masses into their planned lockdown era . The elderly are no use to them . They tolerate only functional people that work on the system machine . People who are sick or
Unable to work have always suffered under them . In the light of all this the flaws lie with the elite cabal . They have the ‘humanity ‘ part missing in their outlooks . Their ‘Georgia guide stones ‘ suggest a much reduced population is ideal for them . 500,000 I think it is
So, we are neck deep into their messed up great reset . The people have been fooled into thinking they need vaccines for something when they don’t . It’s a part of their big plans . Everything is , nothing they do is not part of the great reset .
This is a last sliver of chance to wake and resist . Refuse and not comply . Find the bravery to point out the illogical arguments they are peddling and demand answers to the lies told .If we don’t do this , they will get their way . And believe me , that’s not gonna be good 4 us
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