A bunch of dumb rednecks elected an internet troll to congress. And this woman is never going to be anything BUT a troll. She doesn't have the capability to be a decent human being.

Deal with her the same way you deal with trolls HERE. Put her out the fucking airlock.
Greene's only motivation is to make people mad, to own the libs, to be absolutely the worst person she can be. You can't shame her into to being a good person or a rational legislator or a responsible citizen.

She's the human equivalent of a Twitter bot. Nothing more.

You deal with her the same way you deal with trolls HERE. Put her out the fucking airlock. Ghost her ass. Take away her voice and thus any power she has to hurt you or anyone else.

You deprive trolls of oxygen, isolate them, ignore them, mock them.

Cancel their ass.

The worst thing you can do to a troll is lock them in a room alone with themselves.

Because they hate THEMSELVES even more than they hate you.

When the people of Georgia's 14th Congressional district find that their desires and concerns as represented by this horrible troll have no voice in Congress whatsoever, well, then maybe they'll make different choices at the ballot box next time.

And if they don't?

Then they've essentially airlocked themselves from having any say in America.

You can follow @Stonekettle.
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