1) It was Republicans that started radicalizing vets in early 1980s with a method called “the stab in the back”. It said that it wasn’t Vietnam vets who lost the war, but “liberals” (Democrats) who “stabbed them in the back” and wouldn’t let them win it. More⬇️ https://twitter.com/trbrtc/status/1357398584384229385
2) Where did “stab in the back” originate? The 1920s Nazi Party in Germany. They radicalized German WW1 vets by saying they didn’t lose the war. It was “weak” (and Jewish) politicians who “stabbed them in the back” and wouldn’t let them win. Fast-forward to 1980s⬇️
3) You had President Reagan say the Vietnam War was a “noble cause” and so began the radicalization of Vietnam vets who had been anti-war due to their experience. You had Rambo movies saying “Are we going to be allowed to win this time?” to further the back-stab narrative⬇️
4) The back-stab narrative says that the “liberals” won’t “let” the military win wars. But it was conservatives in charge of the Iraq War and Afghan War and their own incompetence that bungled those wars. But let’s go even further back in time with the narrative ⬇️
5) The Nazis radicalized German WW1 vets with the back-stab narrative. But who literally sold out the German troops at Stalingrad? Right. Hitler himself. And Goering. Both WW1 vets. And here we are today with that SAME narrative radicalizing American vets. So⬇️
6) American vets need to wake the fuck up and understand who and what type of people are radicalizing them. And why. They’re fascists, using vets as pawns in furthering a dangerous ideology. The 1920s Nazi Party and the Republicans are virtually the same in this tactic.
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