This article is so fully insane, and the most insane part to me is that they had the audacity to put print "the quiet part out loud" in Time Magazine.
Like maybe the reason you think we were on the brink of fascism to begin with is because…of the aforementioned "well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions"?
Like what is wrong with your brain when you read that "a well funded cabal" deliberately and directly influenced the election so the unwashed rubes wouldn't make the wrong democratic choice and not have an ounce of self-reflection on how that might be bad.
This is uniformly the blue-check take.

"The powerful elites and institutions all conspired to brainwash people and that is good! They saved us from democracy! Hooray!"

Just, wow, man.
I mean, by this article's own admission, the "cabal" "worked together behind the scenes" to "change rules and laws". This is why they legalized ballot harvesting in certain municipalities & completely reformed absentee voting rules.

They also conspired to "steer media coverage and control the flow of information."

That is @brianstelter, @oliverdarcy, and basically all legacy media's playbook on trying to get Fox off the air, getting New York post and millions of other conservatives booted from Twitter.
This is not my whacko interpretation, that is LITERALLY what the article says, and what the blue checks are fawning over. They're saying it openly and proudly.

Bananas stuff here.
If nothing else, this establishes that the orchestrated collusion between big tech, corporations, the press, and the Democratic party is no longer a "conspiracy theory". It is now documented established conspiracy fact that cannot be refuted.
The irony-meter is billowing smoke.
If you read that and are not solidly red-pilled into seeing that practically everything the news media does is in direct service to quote "keep doing it all, all the time”, you’re a lost cause.

Example from this morning. If you didn’t see it before, do you see it now?
Not long ago, I would have considered my own rant here unhinged.


It's amazing that anyone can still not see how these institutions are manipulating you when THEY TELL YOU THEY ARE.
Seems like the only way one admits this so freely is they think it's over. They won. They control everything now, so what is anyone going to do about it?

This article is like a Bond villain explaining his elaborate scheme once he thinks it's over.

This is OJ's "If I Did It."
And, to be clear, no, I still don't think there was a "steal" per se.

I don't think legal votes were miscounted on any significant scale, or George Soros paid people to vote, or anything like that.

I just think what this article plainly states is happening is alarming.
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