Awards are an insidious type of gatekeeping.
Allow me to elaborate. Girl In Space has won awards because I have had access to things that most creators don't. >>
Girl In Space was popular upon its release because I had a.) the funds to travel to conventions like Podcast Movement, and b.) a decade's worth of marketing experience from my cushy office jobs. >>
I had the money to attend cons and travel because of said cushy job, and I had access to said cushy job because of access to higher education, and specifically scholarships. >>
Money was never a privilege for me growing up — we were super poor. I was often hungry & got clothing from garbage bags that people left on our doorstep. But I'm white, which is a built-in advantage & privilege. I had a home & 2 parents who helped me apply for scholarships. >>
Every day, I benefit from white privilege, a systemic advantage built upon the suffering and degradation of people of color. >>
I have been able to easily navigate job markets and snag speaking engagements, and face daily life free of harassment and microaggressions. I was able to grow and popularize this show because of my ACCESS. >>
I'm in a place now where I could round up the $400+ fee to submit my work for this award or that award. But I'm in that place and I have that ACCESS because of my PRIVILEGE. >>
I'm grateful for the awards my work has garnered, and for the communities and thoughtful individuals that have nominated me. But I also want to acknowledge that I was able to GET to this place because of my privilege. >>
Anyway. Pay-to-play awards are gatekeep-y bullshit. And because of systemic racism and privilege, all awards systems are access- and privilege-based. >>
Finally, I always want to know how I can be a better ally and continue to work toward progress & change, so please let me know your thoughts. đź’ś -Sarah
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