once again, absolutely no one wants resources from their bosses about mental health and self care. people want workload reductions, fair compensation, flexibility for caretaking, safe working conditions, etc
and if absolutely nothing else I’d take a smack upside the head before I’d take another set of ~tips and tricks~ pls and thx
I got my course evaluations from last term this week (no, they should not have been mandated by the school but we will leave that aside) and sure my students appreciated lists of remotely available campus resources, encouragement to take time to rest, etc.
but unsurprisingly what they appreciated more were the ways I acknowledged my very real power over this corner of their learning conditions with actual policies, bc to pretend I have no power over them is effing condescending
anyway. there are lots and lots of people in support roles whose job is to do their best to figure out what support means in this time; that is not who I’m talking about. we are many of us in the shit together. I’m saying if you have actual clear power re actual human people.
we are almost a year into this, and if I were just sending my students links to overbooked online counselling but maintaining strict deadlines and late penalties and yada yada, it’d be clear I don’t actually GAF.
tl;dr give me the boot to the neck over the soft slipper that pretends to ask my consent first any day
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