I. When Dekeda's husband gets home, she's been shepherding kids for the entire day, AND working. And yet he gestures for her to unmute the computer for their daughter INSTEAD OF DOING THE DARN THING FOR HIMSELF
Still in part I: after the husband gets home, he COMPLETELY vanishes for an entire hour (Dekeda is still working & helping her daughter with homework). He gets a break. I'm not sure where Dekeda gets one.
Still part I. The husband is so absent that it's Dekeda's daughter (note the gender) who has to take over for her mom. Yeah, right.
Part II: absent ex but at least the terms are clear there
Part III: "Her husband is shut in his office, working three jobs to help pay their mortgage"
Mercedes is, in fact, working at least three jobs (parent and fulltime house manager), one of which pays the mortgage, and the other two help her husband work his own jobs.
“He is often burned out from the same conversation that I want to have.”
*sarcasm* Poor guy *sarcasm* He gets to sit out his wife's burnout because he doesn't want to talk, apparently (look up a couple paragraphs: Mercedes is not just unwilling to talk. She needs help)
Part V: "Her husband is the primary breadwinner in their family, so she knows that is part of the answer."
Her husband brings in some money. He doesn't actually get entitled to all of her time, and to her doing everything around the house, WTF
"Later, as she worked, trying to keep Mila entertained, he took a nap on the couch."
A NAP. HE TOOK A NAP. While his wife was juggling toddlers and a dayjob.
"Sometimes I have to tell myself I cannot do it all,” she said. “That I cannot juggle all of these balls at once and not expect to drop one or two from time to time.”
Cluegun: she is not actually meant to juggle all of these balls because she has a husband. Who can HELP
"Mercedes turned down an offer to fill in for a full-time colleague at work "
So that her husband can continue being a deadbeat? *sarcasm*
(seriously. It may not have made financial sense, but you can see how Mercedes is in fact, doing jobs that allow her husband to get paid)
(and getting what looks to be zero recognition or space of her own in exchange)
A word on the use of "quality time": I feel like that's far too often used to guilt mothers into spending all the time with their infant children.
(it is wonderful times! and if you want it--and I had it when my kids were young--it's great. But it's not compulsory)
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