genshin impact men as muslims: a thread

- cmon guys his name is literally kaeya bin alberich he told me
- ‘if i say bismillah before i drink its not haram’
- he goes to the mosque just to flirt with girls
- he probably steals shoes at the mosque too 😭😭😭
- skips ramadhan even if hes grown as hell

- does this mf live in the mosque or what
- his father is the imaam so hes ALWAYS there
- teaches quran at the masjid for the kids
- he is EVERYONE’s masjid crush
- you’d think he’d avoid eye contact with you cause its haram but its cause he hates everyone thats why

- he has never once skipped fajr in his life
- is probably a hafiz too
- the imaam LOVES HIM
- everyone would compare you to him honestly
- he literally could recite the quran on the top of his head
- so obsessed with prophet stories and would start rambling if you ask

- he literally performs the hajj every single year cause hes rich
- “muslim and proud 🔥🔥” in his bio on instagram
- he’s probably still learning how to read the quran HELP
- steals xiao’s slippers just to see him pissed
- hides in the bathroom during taraweeh to skip

- i just know all the aunties LOVE him
- all the girls would just be all over him
- he would not respond to you this guy is too busy reciting the dhikr
- carries a tasbeeh everywhere???
- hes scary as hell tho and he’d glare at loud kids at the masjid (bennett)

- haram police
- he literally would yell at u if u show like ur ankles or smth
- probably would hiss at you for ‘sinning’
- would call you a sinner, ESPECIALLY CHILDE
- “mashallah its haram for us muslims to wear glasses because we can only rely to God... you should repent”

- he cant recite the quran for the life of him
- he sometimes forgets how to pray so he pspspspsps
- aunties LOVES him and would kiss his cheeks everytime
- would break his fast behind his parents back (this is kaeya’s fault)
- but hes trying!! and thats all that matters

- his shoes will ALWAYS get stolen so he just never wears them anymore
- is still in quran class with childe and razor
- only knows the three quls
- hes the loud dude that YELLS when people are praying
- whitewashed, his real name is brahim but everyone calls him ben??

- the last time he perfomed the salah he was 10
- he never skips the ramadhan alhamdullilah
- skips taraweeh so he can hit the shisha
- if he IS there he would wait at the girls entrance and serenade them
- haram but when he gives adhan thats ur future husband right there

- international quran reciting champion for 3 years
- he would literally pop besides you and correct your tajwid and then walk away like nothing happened
- wears all white??? for some reason??
- ignores everyone around him
- even the imaam AND xiao is scared of him

- he thinks hes the best muslim out of everyone there
- “did you know that today i have never skipped dhuha” we dont care 😟
- he thinks that his quran reading is good um maybe lets arrange a class with diluc yeah 😭🤞
- only goes to the masjid so he looks good

- donates to masjid every week
- knows all the aunties gossip
- “im not supposed to be telling you this but— wallahi this is a FRIDAY i cant lie to you”
- never actually prays at the masjid cause he would only come and sit with the aunties who cant pray and gossip

- all the aunties want him as their son in law
- your typical model muslim boy
- “mashallah auntie your daughter looks so beautiful today”
- would sometimes stick with xingqiu just to know the auntie’s tea
- not that halal, will skip prayers to hang with his gf zahira

- he would stand in the back corner of the masjid just 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
- would talk very passive aggressively
- “now safiya instead of talking how about we go and repent for our sins especially that time when i saw u taking off your hijab with kaeya”
- hes the weird uncle at masjid
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