Today I celebrate one year+6 months #sober.
I am getting slowly better from the want of alcohol occasionally I have a craving but am triggered less often and I am not ashamed to say that I am an #alcoholic. I went to a Catholic treatment center that taught
#Cognitivebehavioraltherapy and #smartrecovery when I got home I attended #AA meetings and I stayed away from basically everyone. I lost my aunt, my mother in law, and a very toxic relationship that depended on my drinking to stay alive. I saw my son overdose and
End up in the ICU with #T1D related DKA homelessness and drug overdoses 6 times. I contracted covid and managed to find new love with a sober man that has it together and happens to love me back. I supported my baby through a gender identity change with grace and pride and
Now we are even bigger #LGBTQ supporters. I saw my middle baby start a Jew relationship with a wonderful girl, and I aches for my mother and her loneliness in this #COVID19 pandemic.
Through it all, having a drink never came across my mind in any seriousness
Especially during the tragic and painful times.
I can truly say that today I feel like a champion. And I can see what others see in me, finally with the help and support of others who have been there and who have seen me through all this. Life will still be difficult, but now gratitude is part of every day.
You can follow @siouxperjen.
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