The Prophetic - A THREAD

"Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7

"Don't despise prophecies, but test all things. Hold on to what is good." 1 Thess 5:19-21

God's chosen "King David".
This prophecy from 2014 states that God has chosen "My David that I have set aside for this nation" (remember from above the WSJ article from 16 February 2017 "Echoes of King David in President Donald"). And there is more...
"A trump in the White House to become a trumpet of God." That was 9.5 years before the election of Donald Trump. But it does not end there. No, there is more...
Kim Clement prophecy from 2012 wherein he says God showed him the letters A and Q. In relation to the letter "Q", what begins with the letter "A"?
The two Presidents prophecy.
(NOTE: Trey is unique in his style of presentation, so bear with it, for the content is extremely timely for those interested in the prophesies of Kim Clement.)
The Christmas prophecy and the betrayer in the White House.
(NOTE: Trey is unique in his style of presentation, so bear with it, for the content is extremely timely for those interested in the prophesies of Kim Clement.)
There are prophetic words from numerous others, as in this one given in 2011 regarding the election of Trump and the "cleaning out" of the news media.
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