We know as a business owner you have plenty on your plate.

We are passionate about ensuring everyone has protected their branding as a registered trade mark.

Getting one is simpler than you might think too. Here’s why.

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Much of the value of your business can be locked up with your brand – take control of this and protect a key asset.

There is no right or wrong time to get protected.

But it is true the earlier the better.

You might be worried about this cost. But don’t be.

Getting a trade mark is not expensive.

Read our seven tips for getting a trade mark that will not break the bank: https://www.citma.org.uk/resources/trade-marks-ip/intellectual-property-blog/seven-tips-to-get-a-cost-efficient-trade-mark.html

What can be a trade mark? Probably more than you think!

A trade mark must be unique – registering it will mean it’s yours to use.

Words, logos, shapes, pattern, even sounds and colours.

Read our guide on what a trade mark is: https://www.citma.org.uk/trade-marks-ip/what-is-a-trade-mark.html
You will probably start off by protecting your name and logo – which is a great place to begin.

Before you go forward to applying you need to make sure your proposed name and logo is not already taken.

A full search can be conducted by a trade mark legal professional.
Ok, so you have your clearance search done. Great!

In the UK you need to apply to @The_IPO – but it’s best to get someone to do it for you. You are applying for a legal right after all. And one that gives you lots of power.
Instructing a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney to apply for your trade mark will take the stress away from you. They will ensure you get it right too.

They will also help you apply for the protection in the type of goods or services you need your brand protected for.
Chartered Trade Mark Attorneys will immerse themselves in your brand – advising on the best commercial and strategic approach within your budget.

They will advise you and will take you through the process from start to finish.

Read more: https://www.citma.org.uk/trade-marks-ip/need-advice/who-are-chartered-trade-mark-attorneys.html
Once your application is with the @The_IPO you have to wait two months while others have the opportunity to oppose your trade mark.

Your Chartered Trade Mark Attorney's help is especially important here if there are any objections (there often aren't any!).
If there are no oppositions after this period, your trade mark will be formally registered.


Your registration lasts for ten years. It will then need to be renewed - you could theoretically keep extending the term of protection indefinitely.
What does this mean? It gives you the power!

You are putting a lot of time and effort into building up your reputation. A trade mark registration provides a great way to stop people from copying you.

Take a look at what it allows you to do:
It's more than just stopping people copying though. Intellectual property adds value to your business - in many cases it is your business.

Find out more about trade marks and other IP and what getting these protected can mean for your business: https://www.citma.org.uk/trade-marks-ip.html
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