If we're gonna talk about mental illness/neurodivergence and capitalism please let's talk about how capitalism makes it absolutely impossible for people to actually get help
Let's talk about industrial psychiatry. Let's talk about how forcing patients to accept a single model of therapy or else have no therapy at all is dangerous. Let's talk about how the degradations of capitalism portray symptoms of MI as synonymous with being evil/lazy
Let's just...remember Foucault was talking about asylums in the 19th century as a depository for people considered deviants--he wasn't talking about things like brain chemistry
And Foucault's model isn't the only one!!

But look: if you want to help ppl who are mentally ill, telling them they're not mentally ill, they're just, like, victims of capitalism is not the way to do it. It's reductive and utterly without nuance
You're telling people who need help, who are already prevented from accessing all but the most basic forms of help that they don't need it because everyone suffers under capitalism. You're legit hurting people
I was one of those people! Like all throughout college I had the impression that of course EVERYONE is stressed & upset & depressed & unable to complete even basic tasks without the help of hard drugs.

I didn't seek help. I didn't think I had to. I thought it was normal
It's not. Even under capitalism it's not.

I had to almost die quite a few times to realize that no, not everyone is living this way.

And then I struggled with finding help I could afford, finding help I could access. Which is the cruelty of capitalism.
Any galaxy-brain take that says someone on medication for ADHD is just using a different form of 'coping' and is exactly the same as someone using cocaine makes it sound like you've never once talked to anyone who has actually....done those things
I have.

And it's not the same.
And btw I want to make it clear--I am not judging anyone who has used/uses hard drugs to cope. It's not any sort of moral failing. It's not a way of distinguishing whether a person is "bad" or "good."
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