Today's #Covid19Cymru headlines:
Excellent news on cases, falling under 400; the lowest since 1st October. Deaths however are still not coming down much. Positivity remains low.
There were 399 cases reported today. That's very good news; I think it's fair to say that most of us watching the figures closely had become a little concerned that the rate of fall was slowing down. It's also probably fair to say that despite this figure, it is slowing down.
Obviously as you get nearer zero, there will be a slow-down in numeric terms, given a constant R, but I think R is not quite as low as it was a couple of weeks ago - i.e. the percentage falls we are seeing are a little lower as well.
7-day average: 569 - DOWN 21
R (estimate): 0.92 - UP 0.02. But this is doubtful and is due to an issue in the numbers just over a week ago causing the equation to have a lower denominator than is probably realistic. And this is exactly why we've been a bit concerned in recent days; that issue (caused by
bad weather, we think) means the trend is obscured.

In such circumstances, the positivity, though a very crude measure, becomes more relevant. So seeing 9.8% today is good. That's only the 4th time in recent months it's been below 10, and all of those are in the last 8 days.
There were 45 deaths recorded today. That's higher than I expected, and just goes to show the noisiness of the deaths data that I commented on yesterday. It takes the 7-day average up again, though still down on where it was 2 days ago.
7-day average: 31.0 - UP 2.29
#Ceredigion is not following the national good news on cases, I am afraid. We're up at 8. Low figures of course mean noisier data, but that's the second highest for a fortnight.
7-day average: 5.57 - UP 1.14
The #Ceredigion cases locations are:
3: Rheidol, Ystwyth & Caron
2: Beulah, Troed-Yr-Aur & Llandysul
2: Cardigan & Aberporth
1: New Quay & Penbryn 
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