Frontex is one of the EU’s best funded agencies, projecting itself as the firm-but-fair guardian of Europe’s borders. A technocratic panacea to a continent’s migration anxiety. The reality is starkly different as our joint investigation with @derspiegel & @libe reveals
We uncovered docs & spoke to multiple sources at all levels of Frontex. They describe an agency pumped up on billions in EU taxpayer’s money but unfit for purpose. "It’s difficult to keep up with Leggeri's missteps anymore," EU official.
When the EU’s anti-fraud agency OLAF raided Frontex’s office the agency claimed it was a “routine” process. In fact, the probe goes right to the door of Frontex boss, Fabrice Leggeri. fraud, bullying & harassment of whistleblowers
Frontex staff warned Leggeri and his team for years of potential fraud in connection to a Polish IT-company. Despite this, the agency continued to hand them lucrative contracts. The most recent one worth some €50m. OLAF is investigating these deals.
Frontex staff warned Leggeri and his team for years of potential fraud in connection to a Polish IT-company. Despite this, the agency continued to hand them lucrative contracts. The most recent one worth some €50m. These contracts are coming under investigation.
Frontex is in turmoil. It’s not an agency gone rogue. As @laganagan explains in @libe "It’s leaders in Brussels & in Europe’s capitals who made it what it is. Scapegoating Frontex won’t resolve the issue of respect for international law at the EU's external borders.”
Our reporting builds on the hard work of many journalists and researchers who have been following Frontex for years. To name a few: @Balkanizator @lk2015r @HoffHeiner @notzachcampbell @EmmanFre @MarianaGkliati
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