Here's a wee Friday 🧵on the structural/ social determinants of health over the lifecourse

I'll refer to Hertzman's piece on the ubiquitous, persistent graded relationships between social factors & health
#SDOH #healthinequalities
Hertzman observes that the pattern of association between social factors and health/ disease is present over time and across contexts. Let's go through these points
-An omnipresence across countries

Ex: Under-5 mortality rate in 1990 & 2016 + household poverty for all low-income and middle-income countries (excl China) combined & by region
-An omnipresence across countries

Ex: Trends in inequalities in premature mortality across Europe. Here its education & mortality by decade among women
-Its resurgence on emerging health conditions

Ex: No surprise that we can use #Covid19 as an example here. The French Epicov study has shown that exposure to #SARSCoV2 was socially patterned in May2020
-Not fully explained by "classic" risk factors: smoking, alcohol, nutrition

In analyses of social factors & health which then adjust for behavioural factors there usually remains an 'unexplained' association
[This links with method issues mediation analyses]
-Observed gender/ sex differences

Ex: Here, the change in life expectancy over time by social deprivation in Germany is more pronounced among men compared to women. This is observed in other countries too & using different social measures
-Begins as a developmental gradient in early life

Ex: Below, differences in vocabulary between children from disadvantaged/ advantaged socioeconomic positions was clearly evident at 18 months & amplified over time
-A large array of potential pathological processes

Associations exist between social factors and cardiovascular diseases, cancers, metabolic diseases, infectious diseases, psychopathologies etc

There is increasing evidence for a common biological soil
Some big questions we ask in my team:
Do social processes affect health through biology? How?

To work on this our research rests upon 3 pillars

Socially-patterned biological phenomena must not be confused with genetic explanations
Now you know why we might take an interest in social-to-biological processes

Of course, there are many many other factors of interest when studying health inequalities...

Here's an overall way in which I tend to think about it, inspired by lots of other existing models

End 🧵
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