Yemen: ending US support for the war, and ending the war, are two very different things.
There are multiple conflicts taking place in Yemen, which have been exacerbated and complicated by varying degrees of foreign involvement: most obviously the Saudi-led military intervention since 2015, but also Iran, UAE, Qatar, Turkey, Egypt, & continuing US ops vs AQ and ISIS
In every single Middle East conflict there are multiple external actors from inside and outside the region. And we know civil wars last longer when there is foreign involvement; outsiders mainly lose money rather than blood or even buildings
The extensive penetration of politics by competing, conflictual external actors is one of the major factors in the dreadful state of politics and peace in the region. Gulf states have become the new interventionists as the US has talked of pulling back - or leading from behind.
The Saudi-led intervention in Yemen was the first Saudi-led war but followed Gulf states’ expanding presence in other arenas since the Arab uprisings, including the Saudi-led GCC deployment in Bahrain, UAE and Qatari role in Libyan no fly zone, & ill fated intervention in Syria
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