Doña Ana de Mendoza de la Cerda y de Silva Cifuentes, Princess of Éboli, Duchess of Pastrana, born 1540, died 2 February 1592. This painting of her is thought to be a C18 copy of a portrait by Sofonisba Anguissola, who was painter to the Spanish Court in the 1560s. #WomensArt
Ana de Mendoza lost an eye in a youthful fencing mishap, hence the eyepatch that is so much part of the image of her that has come down to posterity. She was a brilliant, passionate, highly cultured and intelligent woman, who led an extraordinary and ultimately tragic life.
Married at 13, she was prominent at the the Court of King Philip II. She had 10 children and was widowed in her early 30s. She retired to a nunnery for a few years and then returned to Court where she became entangled in factional politics, which brought about her downfall.
Ana became caught up in treason through her relationship with royal secretary Antonio Pérez, who was responsible for the assassination of a rival Court figure, Juan de Escobedo. There was no evidence linking Ana de Mendoza with this crime but her alliance with Pérez doomed her.
Ana de Mendoza and Antonio Pérez were arrested. He got off lightly (house arrest), escaped and abandoned her. Ana spent the last 13 years of her life in confinement which was increased in severity when Pérez escaped. She died, still imprisoned, sick and alone, on 2 February 1592.
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