Alyn Smith’s other half, ladies and gents. He wants women (well, one specific woman - to start with anyway) investigated for speaking about protection of women’s rights. If you’re not following this closely, this is the type of shit you see every day from members & associates.
Once primary target (Cherry obvs) has been dealt with, they’d really quite like party to remove any people with sympathies for or an interest in women’s rights to be removed from May lists. They’d like them removed from public life generally speaking, but that’s the next step.
Remember that this line of thinking also comes with support for basically making discussion of women’s rights a hate crime. So once the politicians are dealt with, members of the general public are next. Off to Cornton Vale with you, or at very least let’s get you sacked.
Then you have the harassment, abuse and plenty threats of sexual violence and rape. Emboldened lunatics at the rearguard - and sometimes leading from the front tbf. So you’ll understand why “oh god both sides are just as bad” might make women bristle somewhat. Cos it’s bull.
And this is why (a few of the many reasons why!) woman can’t and won’t be quiet about it. So if it’s clogging up your timeline, you’re fed up hearing about it, or you consider it niche, that’s fine - but maybe look again before yawning and dismissing it.
Because this isn’t a fringe issue and the people leading the movement to silence women and prevent them from being able to resist destruction of their existing rights are not fringe either - they have the ear of important people and they’re at the heart of decision-making.
And if you think that’s dramatic language.... well, frankly I couldn’t give a shit. That’s what’s happening and I’m not using fluffy language. And now I’m off for another coffee, because clearly I’m not caffeinated enough yet this morning...
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