Random thought thread. I’m sure some people already know this...in Man Of Steel, Clark in front of Pa Kent’s grave looks at Lois and says “My father believed, if the world found out who I really was, they’d reject me, he was convinced the world wasn’t ready. What do you think?”
I could be wrong, but a part of me thinks, that some where deep down in his soul, Zack Snyder knew the potential fall out of his Superman/DCEU. That it would be divisive and polarizing...that it would be beloved by so many of us, and potentially hated by others. It’s as if..
People fear the movie itself. “This isn’t my Superman, how could Superman kill Zod? (he does in the comics). How could this much destruction happen? All the people that died? This is too dark..etc....I believe Man of Steel & BvS served the exact purpose it was SUPPOSED to...
To show us that in our world, in our divided political and social climate, especially here in the US. It wouldn’t be cheers and clapping and “look up in the sky.” At least not soon. It would be citizens fearing the unstoppable unchecked power of this god-like being (BvS) ...
It would be governments, politicians, and media..panicking. And in an invasion where this being is trying to defend his adopted world for the first time, it would be destruction and tragedy. In a world where some see immigrants, refugees, those of another faith, and people of...
Another skin color, as potential threats, and outsiders, and less than others. Snyder showed us a being from another planet who was, is, and will continue to be treated like an outsider, who spent a lifetime trying to find his place up until his dying breath, sacrificing his life
To SAVE A WORLD.... that was divided in whether or not to embrace him....ironically in that same manner, an overall audience is divided over whether or not to embrace these films. From studio executives, to critics, to viewers... divided. I’m not sure what will come of ZSJL...
But I do know this, Zack through his movies held a mirror to the face of society, and asked us to make a choice:
Will we, or will we not embrace what “we may not always understand?”

When we are challenged, will we stand apart?

...Or will we stand...United.

“He was convinced that the world wasn’t ready, what do you think?”

#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #SnyderCut
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