Had a convo with a friend on our current jobs - we both kissed our Law degrees goodbye and didn't look back! If you also hold a degree in X but are actually passionate about field Y, here's some suggestions on moving into your dream field (but don't quit your job first ok). 🧵
1. Identify the field and role you'd like to hop to, and if you have transferable soft/hard skills for them. Find an overlap between what you're currently doing and what you want to do! If you don't have any, don't sweat, read the next tweet.
2. Sit for free online courses in the field you'd like to hop to, for legitimacy + experience purposes. Many online platforms offer certs, some even for free. Check out https://study-uk.britishcouncil.org/find/study-options/free-online-courses/uk-university for free online courses by UK universities. Next on the agenda: crafting your CV.
3. Switch your standard CV to a skills-based CV: This helps the reviewer determine if your transferable skills are a good fit for the role. Ideally, have at least 4-5 core skills you can highlight with examples. Here are some skills-based CVs to refer to:
4. Write a profile that clearly highlights your current experience AND your wish to job hop, lest they throw your application out upon seeing your degree w/o considering existing experience. Example below. Optional: write a cover letter expanding on your wish to enter the field.
Example, from a Finance to Research role: Skilled graduate with 4 years of data analytics expertise seeks a new role in Research and Development. Skilled in problem-solving, reporting and possesses capacity for innovation applicable to (Role at Company).
5. If you want to go a step further, speak to your references and highlight how you'd like to job-hop outside your field. Ask them to write a letter elaborating your soft skills and work ethics, not your expertise in subject matter. Enclose it with your CV.
Don't want your boss to know you'd like to leave your current role? Request your colleague/external parties you work with to comment on your work ethics on professional platforms like LinkedIn. You can then use their feedback in your cover letter to strengthen your application.
6. Job-hopping to a different field, of course, isn't without difficulty. To save time and improve your chances, consider applying to junior roles in the field as they often don't require field expertise. This could mean lower pay, but in the long-term, better job satisfaction.
You can follow @sharifahyasmiin.
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