So here is the background I have uncovered in to what has been going on in Handforth that no one asked for.

It seems that the Chair of the council cancelled every meeting since April through to August. This meant that one councillor hadn't attended a meeting in six months 1/
Reading around the lines I think this Councillor is an ally of the Chair. The Clerk of the council was then required by law to declare that Councillor's position vacant.

As a result the first meeting to be held since April is in August and is the "employment committee." 2/
It was called by the chair of the council who would only let other Councillors attend if they signed a confidentiality agreement. The other Councillors were advised by the District Council that the meeting was illegal. 3/
At that meeting the chair and the other two who were also kicked out of the YouTube video were the only ones in attendance. They voted to suspend the clerk and to bring in a firm of solicitors to investigate the legality of the clerk's actions. 4/
They then also voted to appoint the Chair as the Clerk. That role is a paid role and it isn't clear whether the chair would be paid the £25k a year or not. 5/
Then it seems the Chair has tried to cover his tracks by demanding that other Councillor's delete and destroy correspondence they have had on the issue after concerns were raised with the District Council and an official notice received. 6/
As a result of all of this Jackie Weaver seems to have been brought in by the District Council to try and sort out a council in crisis by supervising the meetings and acting as clerk. The second of the meetings Jackie Weaver was in is the one we've all seen. 7/
After that it seems there have been several other meetings. The clerk has since been reinstated in post as of about two weeks ago, most of what the chair has done over the last six months has been expunged. 8/
It also seems the chair seems to have decided to have the meetings he was removed from or that made decisions he didn't agree with declared illegal and void, but that wasn't unsuccessful. 9/
All that said, it seems it was usual in the past for one or two local residents to attend a meeting at a push. At the last one there were 28 people present. 10/10
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