A further thought on this: the biggest reason we're given for not covering/promoting women's sport is a supposed lack of appetite. People aren't interested, we're told. This is to ignore the generations of underfunding, undercutting and under promoting of women's sport. https://twitter.com/rouleur/status/1357426624568909828
In truth, women's sport needs more of a push to get it anywhere close to where men's sport was decades ago. We have serious catching up to do on investment, media coverage, narrative-building.
Putting something as simple together as a women's cycling magazine has taken 10 months of planning and a lot of hard work from a lot of people. The belief was that if we worked harder to create an equal or better product, the demand would, indeed, be there. And it is.
Sports fans want to consume sport. Lovers of stories want to consume stories. Aesthetics want to feed on beauty. We shouldn't exclude women from this as has been the case in the past and hopefully, one day, we won't need to force it. For now, a more deliberate effort is needed.
I am so grateful to everyone who's proven that it's worth the effort. To everyone who has bought the magazine and joined the discussion so far, thank you. As I said in my guest editor's letter, this is invitation, not confrontation. Enjoy #womenssport #rouleur #rouleurwoen
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